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Share. Discover. Collaborate.

A passionate community of educators and students. Share your knowledge, seek advice, or start a dialogue with fellow forum users. Check out some of our threads and join the conversation today.


Hema = blood; Eros = a kind of love; Sophism = knowledge


Hemerosophists believe in self-actualization through genuine academic pursuit.


We read books that read us; seek ideas which expand our souls and become written in our veins; and we pursue truth with abandon.

What is Hemaerosophism?

The Creation of a New University​


The emergence of communities which encourage and challenge their members towards greater understanding


To provide a humanities education that is personal, self-actualizing, and linguistically empowering to anyone who wants one.

Our Mission
Our Principles



We produce; we prove our knowledge through contributions to the fields.



Science, Philosophy, Mythology; we derive our knowledge from all three.

Classical Humanities


We believe that what was important for all history is important now.

All the way to China


We study systems of thought without limiting ourselves to a specific religious or philosophical tradition.



Nothing is understood by someone who cannot explain it to a child.

Our Total Curriculum 
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The Map of Subjects is a map of all the disciplines which have been developed or discovered or which have emerged in human history which are attempts for men to climb the mountain and achieve transcendence.


The Map is triunal; there is the Yin, the Yang, and the dance between the two which makes up each layer of the map.


The Map is fractal. Each division gets one closer to a subject-level. One can "zoom out" to see the full humanities at the largest level.


The subjects which exist at the base include "bioinformatics" and "carpentry" depending on which path one takes through the layers.

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folk/ bluegrass


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Our Classes

Classes are group participation projects.​


They are recorded and archived for future students to go through the videos and contribute to the discussions.

We have archived classes, live classes, and classes coming soon.


Subjects include:

  • Philosophy of Science

  • Interpreting Nietzsche's Zarathustra

  • The History of Western Thought

and many more.

Monthly Lectures

Each member of our community presents a lecture on some subject, book, author, area of interest which they have studied.


These lectures are open to all who want to participate.

All lectures take place from 12 to 3 pm EST on the last Saturday of every month.


(December is second last Saturday)

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Each of our members produces a list of their favorite/most influential works


Visitors to our site can see each list; and a compilation of the most recommended works.

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